SOAR Athlete introduces Kris Bayne to lead new Basketball Training Program

Growing up I played many sports but fell in love with basketball right away. I however did not start pursuing a collegiate career until 2011 my Junior year of high school. It was this time in life that I began to hone my skills on the court and began dreaming of a future playing ball. After a life time of love for basketball and months of preparation and hard work I was quickly humbled when I did not receive one scholarship. My senior season ended and I quickly went from trying to find a school to play for in college to just finding a college I could attend to pursue my degree.

This process led me to Grace University in Omaha, Nebraska. There I was fortunate enough to walk on the the basketball program there and would play for the next two seasons. It was there that my calling for coaching was planted. The head coach of Grace university at the time was a man by the name of Willie Williams. He stood out because no matter how you knew him he would go out of his way to converse with you. He taught me the importance of sports is not winning in losing but the way you affect those around you with the time you have with them. I noticed that playing for this man was an honor because his way of approaching the game took the fear of making a mistake away. This time in life drastically shapes the way I coach today and will continue my whole coaching career.

Near the end of my time at Grace I reconnected with my high school sweetheart and the next year I was home to pursue my future with the woman of my dreams. We were married August 11th, 2018 and currently both coach our respected disciplines in track. When I returned home God blessed me with the opportunity to coach the junior varsity team at my old high school and a year later the opportunity to be the head throwing coach. I felt the calling to coach grow tremendously in this first year home and began pursuing a career in it. A few month after this the University of Northern Colorado started offering a degree in Sports Coaching and ever since I have been striving to graduate. I have now been coaching 5 season at Dayspring and have been blessed with the opportunity to leave a positive impact in the lives of many students. Coaching is not my job but my heartbeat, it is my calling!

August 18, 2021
 in the
Written by
Kris Bayne